Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Basics of Turnarounds: the United States Situation

A part of my life has been connected with company turnarounds, bank turnarounds to be more precise. I would suggest that the United States is in a turnaround situation right now but its leaders claim that the economic model it is using is still relevant and that all that is needed is a little more time and a little more co-operation from others and everything will turn out alright.

My experience has led me to some conclusions about what is needed in a turnaround situation. (By-the-way, all my turnarounds were successful and I can say that now because I am not doing turnarounds any more.) We don’t have much space to discuss these things so let me just summarize what I believe to be the four most important factors in achieving a turnaround: the business model; information coming from the market place; the need for transparency and openness; and the existing business culture.

Although these factors relate to a business situation, I believe that they can be applied to any “turnaround” situation, including the “turnaround” of a government.

First, and foremost, an organization gets into trouble because its business model, or economic model, is not working. But, because a leader or a management team believes that the organization has gotten where it is because of that business model, they tend to stick with the model and apply the model even more forcefully.

In some cases, the success of the model has come because of the timing of the model’s use and not because of any inherent characteristics of the model are correct. To justify this statement I refer the reader to the book “Fooled By Randomness,” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

In terms of the economic model that the United States government is applying, and has been applying for a very long time, there is no real evidence that it works. I am, of course, speaking of the Keynesian macro-economic model.

Ever since the 1930s when the model was first presented, all I have ever heard in times of difficulty is that the reason the Keynesian model falls short is that not enough stimulus has been forthcoming. Keynesian economists contend that the Great Depression continued on for as long as it did because governments did not create sufficient budget deficits. Only the war effort, World War II, got the US out.

This criticism has been applied over and over again during the last fifty years. All we have been hearing from the fundamentalist preacher Paul Krugman is that the Obama stimulus package must be greater. He has been consistent in applying this remedy since early on in the Great Recession. More spending, more, more!

Maybe the economic model the government is using is wrong!
The application of this model over the past fifty years has produced falling capacity utilization, rising under-employment, and greater income inequality.

Maybe the economic model has not been applied correctly!

Defensive comments like these are heard over and over again within a company that is in decline.

Second, it seems that others recognize the decline in the company even though the leaders and management of the organization do not. That is, the market recognizes that the model of the organization is not working and that the organization is in decline.

And, what is the response of the leaders or managements of the targeted organization. The response is “The market doesn’t understand us!” I don’t know how many CEOs I have heard express this sentiment in the face of a falling stock price.

The thing is, the market does understand the company and the fact that the company is applying an inappropriate business model.

The market response to the economic policy of the United States? Well, the behavior of the United States government in the 1960s resulted in the need for the United States to go off the gold standard. Since the United States has been off the gold standard, the value of the United States dollar has declined almost constantly (with the two exceptions, when Paul Volcker was the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve system and during the 1990s when Robert Rubin was the Secretary of the Treasury).

Obviously, for the value of the United States dollar to substantially fall, almost continuously, over a fifty year period, indicates that something must be wrong with the economic model the government is using. During the past fifty years, the government has relied on a credit inflation whose foundation is a federal deficit that has resulted in the federal debt increasing at an annual compound rate of growth of more than 9% over this time period. The government has created other avenues of credit inflation through programs like those built for housing and home ownership. The whole economic model was based upon inflating the economy causing people to constantly “leverage up” and take on more and more risk.

Third, transparency and openness goes by the wayside as organizations experience decline. Cover ups abound! President Obama came into office declaring that he was going to change the way things are done in Washington. Yet, his administration is now charged with opaqueness and obfuscation like every other presidential administration. Even little bits of information, like the recent report by the special inspector of the TARP program, only adds to the accusation that this administration is hiding things. This was in all the papers this morning. (See “Treasury Hid A. I. G. Loss, Report Says,” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/26/business/26tarp.html?ref=business.) This does not help!

Fourth, the culture of an organization begins at the top. In a turnaround situation, a new culture
must be implemented and that culture must begin with Number One. The new leader that takes on a turnaround situation must change the way things are done and introduce a new business or economic model into the organization.

However, this new business model cannot be introduced or implemented if the (new) leader assumes that little or nothing needs to be changed. And, this implementation cannot be carried off unless the members of his or her team are all on board.

In my view, things need to be changed in Washington, D. C. The evidence in the market place is hard to ignore, although Washington has done its best to shift attention to others. But, the weakness of the United States position has been observed and others (China, Brazil, and India, and others) have moved into the void to take advantage of it. (See my post http://seekingalpha.com/article/229112-the-imf-bowl-u-s-vs-china.)

Even if the philosophy of economic policy used by the United States government was appropriate forty or fifty years ago, things have changed since then. (See my post http://seekingalpha.com/article/232044-maybe-things-have-changed.) The United States needs to be “turned around”. But, to do a turnaround, those that are in leadership positions must accept the fact that a turnaround is necessary. I don’t see this happening any time soon.

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